Quotes and Recipes

I love posting all of these quotes and kinda want to make those image quotes with the random backgrounds. Maybe with instagram photos???

In other news, I’m making a cookbook of all our family recipes. That’s mostly why my posting has diminished in the last week. I had no idea we had so many recipes!!! I’ll have to share some with you (: Or maybe just link you to the eBook when I get it finished!

To conclude this extremely short post, here’s a random fact:

Accordion to a recent survey, replacing words with the names of musical instruments in a sentence often goes undetected.

Have a wonderful day!!!

[day 3] Thirty Day Photo Challenge: September 2012 Edition

Most everyone in the US was celebrating Labor day today. Not my family. We celebrated it on Saturday. Today, life was normal. My dad had to work. I had to work. One brother was out of town. The other on the xbox. My mom was sick and that was the only not normal thing of the day. Boring would be an appropriate word for some people, but boring is never normal for me. Today held clay modeling, choreography for music and memory verses, recipe research, cooking while tasting, and watercolor painting. Pretty awesome :)

Sooo day 3 watercolors (I’ll show what I painted later):

Graphic Tee DIY (with bleach and a fabric pen)

I got the idea for bleach tees off pinterest. But first a warning about the post:

Warning! This post contains a ridiculous amount of pictures. Some of these images may contain mustaches, llamas and Darth Vader.

Well, that’s the warning :) I promised a bleach tee tutorial and this is it!

Materials (at least the ones I used):

  • shirt of some kind
  • design, preferably a clever and entertaining one ;)
  • bleach or bleach pen
  • fabric pen
  • freezer paper
  • x-acto knives
  • iron
  • sink with cold water
  • pen or pencil
  • cutting board
  • cardboard


1) Find or create a design. These are my designs. I created all of them except the Alice in Wonderland one :)

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What went wrong :[ (aka Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong)

This is my late addition to the Weekly Photo Challenge. It’s late because things got busy on Monday and continued into yesterday which led to me not getting home until today. BUT that also means I have a lot to post :D

Brief Update (skip if you don’t care) – Monday was hair chalking with one of my middle school girls from church. We also made a lovely picture on a napkin from Subway that will be shown in a later post. Tuesday (yesterday) was graphic tee day. My friend Dina and I bleached and fabric painted some graphic tees. I seriously underestimated the time it takes to trace, cut and iron freezer paper onto shirts. IT TAKES FOREVER!!!!! But it was completely worth it :) We started the process at 2, which included talking, shopping, tracing, cutting, ironing, painting, bleaching, peeling, washing, freaking, laughing, and ahhhing. Yes, ahhhing is a verb. You’ll see the whole process in a DIY tutorial later. After the tees, we went to Fox & Hound for karaoke night. There was loud singing, some of which wasn’t that bad, and an unusual amount of drunk people. It’s usually pretty calm, but last night had some pretty enthusiastic dancing drinkers. I was thoroughly entertained haha!

Now for what went wrong with in the picture: bleach. It is like liquid power. Everything is fine until it goes to one’s head. Or in this case, smears on one’s shirt. Continue reading

Batman via Twitter

I’ll try to take pics so you can see how we made them. The inspiration tees are pinned under Geeked, if you want to check them out :) Have you ever made a bleach tee before?

Update: The tutorial for the bleach tees I made are here. And yes, one says “Cause I’m Batman” in a deep raspy amazing voice :D

Thoughts on the art of paper… sort of.

Sooooo since I finally finished up the CPA exam today (confidently assuming I passed haha) and grad school back in June, AND since recruiting doesn’t begin until September, a lot of free time lays before me. More than I’ve had in over a year. I’ve been looking forward to it for a while (since February really) and it kind of feels like a vacation. You know how you save up as much money as possible to go blow it on a specific and slightly random purpose while on vacation? (I did this in Cardiff once… bought a scarf and a cardigan. Not really a big spender.) Well, I feel like I’ve saved up three weeks worth of time to go spend on whatever the heck I feel like. I want to paint. I want to finish the Ted Dekker series I’m in the middle of. (Side note rabbit trail thingy: Have you read him??? He is amazing!! If his plot twists weren’t enough, the way nearly EVERY SINGLE book ties to all the others is incredible. Mind. Blown.) I want to read the Harry Potter series from start to finish in a single week. I want to make random tutorials/movies. I want to hang-out with my friends. I want to make more paper art. Let the time splurging begin!! (Does any one else save up time like this? Seems to be an odd way to think about it…) Continue reading