Oh yum, icing! (aka Weekly Photo Challenge: Delicate)

For today’s challenge post, I captured some tasty gingerbread creations. You might not thing that icing gingerbread cookies is delicate and you are entitled to that opinion, no matter how wrong you may be. The stuff slides, drips, twists, runs, cracks, crunches, and makes a terrible mess if you aren’t super careful. Needless to say, I messed up a few times :)

Here are those tasty cookies:







As tasty as they look, the smell is even more fantastic. You should make some. Ahhhhhhhhh!

Quotes and Recipes

I love posting all of these quotes and kinda want to make those image quotes with the random backgrounds. Maybe with instagram photos???

In other news, I’m making a cookbook of all our family recipes. That’s mostly why my posting has diminished in the last week. I had no idea we had so many recipes!!! I’ll have to share some with you (: Or maybe just link you to the eBook when I get it finished!

To conclude this extremely short post, here’s a random fact:

Accordion to a recent survey, replacing words with the names of musical instruments in a sentence often goes undetected.

Have a wonderful day!!!

The Man Who Ate Sushi

There once was a man
And he lived in Japan.
He ate lots of sushi
That was very squooshy.
Full of shrimp and fish;
Any seafood you wish!
Sushi never did last
Because he ate it up fast.
One day that dear man
That did live in Japan
Ate some more sushi
That wasn’t quite squooshy.
It was more of a crunch
That no one would munch.
He ate it all fast
And away he did pass.
So before you eat sushi
Make sure it is squooshy.

[day 29] Thirty Day Photo Challenge: September 2012 Edition

Day 29 is only 24 hours late…. sorry. My super amazing awesome excuse is that I went to the international festival, ate Palestinian food stuffs, then went to Target for pumpkins, then went to Kyle’s party to carve pumpkins, then discovered I don’t like rum, then ate reece’s smores (AHmazing!!), then got lost in Charlotte, then got home around 12ish. Fun? Ummmm, yes. Late posting? Duh.

Day 29: Pumpkins and such :D











[day 28] Thirty Day Photo Challenge: September 2012 Edition

I’ve just realized that it is the 28th of September. Thirty days is over in two days!!!!! Wow. Where did that time go again?? Something I know for sure though, I am over this challenge. It was fun for a while, but now I just want to sleep…. perhaps that is just my weird schedule catching up?

In honor of this day (which currently had nothing special), I will post bacon puns. Why??? Because everyone knows bacon is awesome.

Day 28:

[day 21] Thirty Day Photo Challenge: September 2012 Edition

Soooooo the Southern Women’s show post isn’t going to happen today. But my daily photo and a fun link will happen :D

Nerd Girl Problems are some of my favorite pinterest and tumblr pics to follow. I enjoy the mess out of them. So funny!!! For instance,

Now for my daily photo…. FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES!!!! My favorite burger place :) They serve peanuts too :D :D :D :D

Day 21:



[day 15] Thirty Day Photo Challenge: September 2012 Edition

Soooooo I feel like a milestone has been passed today. One Not Alone went over 1000 views! Pretty cool since I never thought it would even get read. I’ve only been writing since Mid-July when I started it back up. Ahhhh! Coolness.

Today’s 30 Day Photo Challenge entry is full of miscellaneous photos. There’s a mustache, my lunch (have you noticed I’ve posted a lot of food lately?), and an iPhone mirror shot of my new belt. I’ll even throw in a picture of my kittehs. Mostly because they’re cute :)

Day 15:





Oh my stew! (aka Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life)

There’s not much to say about this week’s photo challenge. It’s about Everyday Life. Today’s life includes typing with awkward fingers (taped up with Castor Oil to hopefully remove these nasty infection things… bleh!!), being both rejected and accepted for job interviews, talking to a very nice Sage representative on the phone, eating cookies, and making stew. My pictures are of these last two :)

First the cookie shot!

Then the stew pictures…. if only you could smell it. AHHHHHHH!!! About to go eat some now :D

There you have it. My family’s version of Irish Stew. Potatoes, carrots, onions, a little pinot grigio (all we had around), rosemary and a lot of water. Stew it up for a few hours and oh, the yum factor hurts. Literally. I eat too much every time :)
