Discovered! Long lost writings and such (:

Firstly, I realize that I have posted a ridiculous amount of posts today.

Secondly, I have decided to get over it.

Thirdly, I’m showing narcissistic tendencies and should probably quit blogging.

Fourthly, those tendencies aren’t any worse than when I was journalling so I suppose I won’t quit.

The other week I was cleaning out stuff and found my old computer. Think this thing:

or this:

On it was one of the best discoveries I could think of to make on an old computer. Well, almost best. Not better than platform games, old photos or paint. Maybe better than paint. Anyways, I found all of my old writing. I wrote a lot in high school. Mostly poetry, but also some short stories and plays. I continued writing into college, saving all of my old stuff on this computer. The tower had been updated to Windows 2000, but the monitor was suuuuuuuuper old. It took a flash drive and had internet. You understand why I ditched it when I found out that the library on campus would let me take home laptops.

One of the stories I discovered is called Sheltered Existence. I wrote it in college in my only English class. It’s posted on my creative writing site, A Childhood Story. It’s been fun reading through those old stories again. Kinda like remembering a good dream. I know I wrote them, but I can’t quite remember the details so it’s surprising what happens in the story. I kinda like it and thought you would too.

Okay, I’m done for today. *sigh*

Childhood Story… changes?

I updated the view of Childhood Story. The background image, the theme, overall appearance and some of the functionality. In addition to wanting opinions, I really wanted to try the poll feature soooooo just click your opinion about the new appearance. Check out the new theme here!!

Sooooo whatcha think??


A slightly new story, bro!

This post is to introduce you to Amelia Price. She’s just an ordinary girl trying to figure out life. You know the quote in Lion King “Stuff happens and there’s nothing you can do about it.”? Well she doesn’t think so. First Amelia writes about it. Then Amelia tries to do something about it. She’s 13, kinda spunky and her journals are a part of A Childhood Story. Read what she has to say in From the Journals of Amelia Price.
